Friday 11 January 2019

"New Start" 500 Words Story II

It was the best of my times at the time it was the worst, the age of innocence and madness; the time of sin and forgiveness; the era of isolation and darkness;

And I, on the verge of madness, would have repeated every day with solitude those unforgettable times whose truth is the only one that can be affirmed with dubious certainty.

We were somewhere in Norway whose name I do not remember, very close to the cold mountains and the white snow which was pure, when my madness began to take effect. I remember that I said something like:

-I'm lost, better guide me ...

All happy families are the same, they are together, there is love between them, there is always love but the unhappy are each in their own way. For example, mine began to be when I received a telegram from my brother, whose words were like this:

"Today Father died, I will bury tomorrow, sorry condolences"

Father died today, or maybe last week. But he does not want to say anything, he thinks I'm weak and I lose my sanity thanks to it, I do not know, the only thing is that when he told me, I did not feel anything As if there was no love and everything that I had been taught would not have existed.

I guess things could have happened in any other way if we had not gone to war, however, those things happened like that without being able to change them for something better and I said:

-I Believe things happen because we want them to happen ...

I'm so tired of hurting and being alone. I have no control over anything in my life. But I'm not like anyone else because I disappear much time ago, I don't regret nothing cause any person did care about it. We can feel pain. We can die. And I won't be the one to destroy anyone else's hopes and dreams.

Death is seductive: it offends and teases, frightens you and draws you in, tempting you with its promise of sweet oblivion, then overwhelming you with a nearly Luxury power, squirming past your defenses, dissolving your will, invading the tired spirit so utterly that it becomes difficult to recall that you ever lived without it...or to imagine that you might live that way again.

 With all the guile of Death himself, sadness persuades you that its invasion was all your own idea, that you wanted it all along. It fogs the part of the brain that reasons, that knows right and wrong. It captures you with its warm, guilty, hateful pleasures, and, worst of all, it becomes familiar

All at once, you find yourself in thrall to the very thing that most terrifies you. Your work slides, your friendships slide, your family slides, but you scarcely notice.

My desolation does begin to make any sense and can only ask to you, Can you help me remember how to smile? Because I cant...

We await your comments and suggestions, until the next post, have a nice day!

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