Thursday 3 January 2019

The other story about Cain and Abel

Hi to everyone, now we will see another perspective of the story of Cain and Abel that is related in the book of the genesis of the Bible, where as we all know, tells us how God did not accept the sacrifices of Cain and if those of Abel, then Cain full of jealousy pounced on his brother and killed him, being then punished by God, so now we will make an analysis of this story.

Figure 1. Cain and Abel.

Before of all, it is advisable to read the next post where the difference between matter and Spirit is seen, because we will say at the outset that both entities are represented in this perspective of Cain and Abel as follows:

Cain -> Represents the Spirit.
Abel -> Represents the Matter.

But why ?

At the moment one has the interpretation that Cain is the "bad one" and Abel is the "good one", something that the majority of the religions teach like the Christianity, the Judaism, etc. and that the punishment Cain received is just for his acting.

First it is seen that both Cain and Abel make sacrifices to God to please him, Cain sacrifices his plant elements, while Abel sacrifices animals, for example lambs; God liked the smell of burned flesh of the dead animal, the blood sacrifice, so he liked what Abel sacrificed and not what Cain offered him, which he did not want to please God totally because he sacrificed seeds and some fruits. of the earth because in itself he was not convinced of the convenience in making sacrifices.

Figure 2. Cain and Abel offerings.

But why Cain thought and acted in that way?

Simple, because Cain was Spiritual, he had that divine spark present and alive inside him. (In the post: Soul-Spirit Difference, that it will be next post of tomorrow it will explain the difference). Cain being more of a spiritual nature, he felt that he was not of this world, that he was trapped and therefore he felt rejection for the sacrifices offered to the creator and did not perform them very devoutly as did Abel, who was a totally animistic being or nature animal, dominated by the Matter and that their sacrifices performed well and were liked by the creator God.

There is an ancient legend where Abel says to Cain: "My sacrifice, my offering was accepted by God because I love him, your offering was rejected instead because you hate him."

But why does Cain hate the Creator?

Because Cain was spiritual, he was a Spirit that was imprisoned in this world by the creator God, therefore logically every prisoner hates his jailer, because he does not let him be free. Therefore Cain is not only hostile and hates the creator God because he has him prisoner, but he does not recognize his authority when he says to Abel according to the legend: "There is no Law, nor Judge", refusing therefore to worship him and make offerings to him that they are to your liking.

Then comes what for everyone is very bad when it is not so: Cain kills Abel.

Figure 3. Cain kills Abel.

But what does it really mean that Cain kills Abel?

It means something very important, that the Spirit (Cain) rejects, destroys, assassinates the Matter (Abel).

And why is it important for the Spirit to end the Matter?

For that the Spirit may obtain his freedom forever, and leave this created world where he is a prisoner, he must first wage a battle against the matter and destroy it, since this entity (the Matter) is the one that brings the Spirit in chains, drags him all their incarnations absorbing their energy like a parasite, whereby freedom is obtained by removing the Matter from above, and this is what symbolizes the fact that Cain killed Abel.

Therefore, both Cain and Abel are totally opposed, irreconcilable as are the Matter and the Spirit. The Spirit (Cain) is Hostile, hates this impure world full of unjust and absurd commandments and destroys everything that has him in chains; instead the matter (Abel) is pure love and devotion to the creator God and his creation.

Now what did Cain get with all this?

Cain emancipated, freed himself once and for all from God and his impure and defective creation, became an eternal enemy of the creator God.

Cain also caused the creator to "curse and expel" the place, which for all people is like his punishment for acting against God, but it is not a correct interpretation.

Cain was banished and cursed by the creator god, but this is not a punishment as they say, but quite the opposite; why:

"To be cursed and banished by the creator is a honor for who seeks the liberation of his Spirit"

It is a logical reaction that the creator has for those who have challenged or challenged him, for those who have become equal or superior to him. Cain has been banished because he has been transformed, he no longer belongs to this world although he continues to inhabit it, as he mentions, he freed himself, emancipated himself and exiled himself from this impure creation.

The bible also tells us that God protected Cain, not allowing anyone to harm or kill him.

What does it mean and why did the creator do this?

Because that the man who has transformed himself into a pure Spirit is immortal, even if he has his body of flesh, no one can harm him, no one can attack him, he is untouchable. Such a man is above all else, he will never die, he is out of matter and out of time, nor can the creator damage him because he is equal to or superior to him.

The bible reports that God put a mark on Cain, so that everyone would recognize him and not harm him. Well according to Jewish legends this sign on the forehead was a horn, that for the Aryan Wisdom a horn on the forehead means power, a power that comes from the Spirit, which makes it hard, strong and free inside the creation, therefore the correct thing is that no one put that mark on him, but Cain got it for himself, and through it all men and the entire creation know their Spiritual condition.

But this hidden perspective goes far beyond being a simple story, but it has a very deep content whose curious is seen through the Aryan Wisdom which must be remembered.


We await your comments and suggestions, until the next post, have a nice day!

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