Monday 14 January 2019

The most "dangerous" zodiac signs according to the FBI

According to the Daily Occupation site, the FBI has shared the dates of birth of killers and people who show psychopathic tendencies.

It is clear that the sign is not responsible for its decisions, but we can not deny that it is quite fun to analyze this data. Check out:


Everyone talks badly about the Gemini, but according to the FBI, it is the least dangerous sign.

Since they do not take anyone seriously enough to kill them or harm them, the Geminis end up committing fewer crimes than the rest of the signs.


They worry a lot about justice and have strong egos, although they do not easily lose control.

Probably because of this, it is the second sign - after Gemini - that less appears among psychopaths.

Or, maybe, they're not caught, because they're smart enough to leave no evidence.


As the saying goes, dog that barks does not bite. And is that, according to the information of the FBI, when a lion commits a murder, it is almost always to attract attention.


Now you can start worrying about the indecision of the people in this sign. Despite being known as fair, kind and patient, they commit more murders than the previous signs.

Thus, we know that patience has a limit.

It is likely that the pounds develop their own violence when others take advantage of their good intentions.


The data say that Virgos are more prone to theft and fraud than to murders, but when they commit them, it is something millimeter-calculated. Typical of virgo.


Do you think that pisces are cute, pure love and tenderness? Well, you're wrong, John Wayne Gacy (also known as Killer Clown - The Killer Clown), Richard Ramirez and Aileen Wuornos are some of the most famous serial killers, and they are Pisces.

People born under the sign of Pisces generally commit more murders because of their tendency to addiction.


Although they are known for respecting the laws and regulations, it seems that it is better not to bother the Capricorn.

People born under the sign of Capricorn do not kill often, but when they do, they seem to be quite cruel.


His anger is abrupt, but it does not last long. That's why we see Aries in 5th place on this list.

If you make an Aries mad, be sure to get away for a while, until things calm down.


Taurus's anger is intense. Although people under this sign commit more fraud than murder.


Ted Bundy, Pablo Escobar and Stalin: all Sagittarius.

People of this sign usually commit felonies, kill en masse and recognize themselves as "leaders".


Since most serial killers were born in November, most are Scorpio or Sagittarius. Thus, they are known to be sadistic murderers.


Surprisingly, the most loving of the zodiac appear in the first place, which is that they usually kill because of jealousy. Their changes of humor and extreme sensitivity seem to take them, constantly, to the limit!

We await your comments and suggestions, until the next post, have a nice day!