Friday 4 January 2019

Difference between Matter and Spirit

Hi to everyone, in this post we will talk about the difference between the Matter and the Spirit, which is not clearly spoken, we even have misconceptions and confusing about it, so it is important to know that they are exactly the Matter and the Spirit and how they differ.

Figure 1. Matter and Spirit.

The Matter and the Spirit are two very different entities, they have no similarity, so they should not be confused, much less considered equal. Matter and Spirit have many differences which we show below:

The Matter:

  • The Matter is an entity created by the Creator God of matter, of the god that created this world.
  • The same Bible in the book of Genesis says that by a breath in the nose of man, he was endowed with a Matter; therefore this entity belongs to this world.
  • The Matter IS of this world.
  • They also call it the "breeze of the creator".
  • Also indicate that the Matter is a FINITE entity.

Figure 2. God encourages Man by endowing him with a Matter(Soul).


  • Spirit: It comes from the Latin "spiritus" and this from the verb "spirare", associated with the ability to breathe, which ends up meaning what gives the vital force, the strength that encourages, also the courage, vigor, courage and courage.
  • The Spirit is an increased being, it means that it was not created or begotten by anyone, much less by the creator god.
  • The Spirit does not belong to this world and according to the Hidden perspective it is an ANTI-Material entity.
  • The Spirit comes from an unknowable world or kingdom.
  • The Spirit is what differentiates man from animals, it is the external spark (that came from another world) that helped man to evolve at once from a simple hominid as it was and as taught in the theory of evolution, man that we are currently.
  • The Spirit is an Infinite being and immensely superior to any created entity.

Figure 3. Tongue of fire that represents the Spirit.

Seeing the previous descriptions, both of the Matter and the Spirit, it can be concluded that they are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT entities, for which they should not be confused or even think that they are the same as it is commented in different religions.

it is said that the Spirit was caught and chained to the Body and Matter of man, an act performed against his will, the worst thing is that the Spirit is asleep, as if he were anesthetized and does not remember his origin, he does not remember who he is, that is why the system insists that the Spirit does not remember the Origin and hides all this information so that no man awakens his Spirit, and remain incerted in the great illusion that is this world.

Figure 4. Allegory of the chained spirit.


We await your comments and suggestions, until the next post, have a nice day!

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