Sunday 6 January 2019

Lebensborn e.V.

“Himmler’s baby factories,” “SS bordellos,” or the famous “breeding farms for the master race”—these were just a few of the provocative terms invented by pornographers and anti-German propagandists which have been used to describe Lebensborn e.V. (e.V. stands for “registered association,” or in German, eingetragener Verein).

The idea of Lebensborn was born cause the “Wellspring of Life” homes for mothers, either married and in financial difficulties or unmarried. Men were expected to marry and father children. Family life and the role of mothers was a high priority of the Hitler government because they were the future of germany.

Unwed mothers, it is true, were also accepted by these hospitals, but in such cases every effort was made to arrange subsequent marriages with the biological fathers, and the organization offered further care to the extent needed.

The Lebensborn was among the most exemplary charitable organizations of its time. Founded in 1936, it grew to include a total of 18 lying-in hospitals. These also served as temporary homes for orphans.

This often included help in securing living quarters. In special cases adoptions were arranged. The facilities, admittedly, were not available to all German women. There were in fact racial requirements, and proof of Aryan ancestry including all four grandparents had to be provided. Women with obvious genetic defects were also excluded. That is why mostly of them were blue eyed and blonde, but doesnt means if had other characteristics the baby would be less or more loved, the important for them is that they were germans, mother and father germans, so how It looked a person doesnt Matter much, that Hitler wanted only blue eyes and blonde is a lie and propaganda anti germans.

But the facilities, though financed entirely from monthly contributions by SS members, were not restricted to SS use alone. During the war years, up to 90 percent of the women giving birth there were wives of soldiers and officers of the army, navy and air force, that is why mostly woman were single mother, cause the when started the war the fathers died.
As to the charge that Lebensborn participated in a program for the Germanization of children abducted from the conquered territories, the U.S. Military Tribunal found no substantiating evidence whatsoever. On the contrary, it found Lebensborn policy was to make every effort to bring orphaned children together with their surviving next of kin.
Children transferred to Lebensborn orphanage facilities by other organizations always received the best possible care. No instances of cruelty or sexual abuse of any sort were ever adduced.
These factual and judicial findings, however, proved no barrier to the myth makers. Early in the 1950s, the German illustrated magazine Revue ran a sensationalistic series purporting to show Lebensborn as a “breeding farm for the master race.”

The nonsense reached its apogee in a late 1950s German film, by Arthur Brauner, entitled simply Lebensborn e.V. In Brauner’s cinematic fantasy these lying-in hospitals underwent a transmogrification into sex parks. This film was an instant hit and was circulated throughout the globe.


We await your comments and suggestions, until the next post, have a nice day!

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